Friday, July 2, 2010

Elvis wept

Where I work, there's a thirty-foot image of Elvis in all his gold-suited glory hanging in the lobby of our record store. You know you're not in Kansas anymore. We like the place. It's called Mugwumps, & no, I don't know why it's called Mugwumps. We're currently under owner number 5 0r 6, & they don't know why it's called Mugwumps either. They just know we showed a nice profit last year, & that's all that matters. We're the last of the indy record stores in Memphis. Welcome to my world.


  1. Hi Art this is Frank from And your bird can swing! I cannot e-mail you directly so I have to leave a message here. If you like you can do 1 of 2 things about series of what we listened to when we were 14. #1 e-mail me your choice and give me a paragraph or 2 about your choice at or............... #2 simply write your text in my Humble Pie post and I will copy it and then delete it. Sorry to leave it here, but I dunno how else to contact you.


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  3. Hey Sudz! This is Captain Spaulding here - my email is fucked suddenly, so get in touch via my blog profile! Dewd!

  4. Hey bud,
    What happened? I tried to send ya some mail last night, but it kept getting kicked back to me. Which blog profile should I use?
    We've got tornado watches going on today so I may have to shut the computer off for a spell, but I'll check back here asap.
    The other bud...
